An exploration in art collaboration with my kid

My five year old son, Des, is like a speed train with endless energy. He rises with sun and is eager to start to his day. Few things keep his attention long, but I’m amazed at how he can focus on building things and drawing. That’s his thing.

I consider myself a lucky art teacher mom that both my kiddos love to draw. I really didn’t push art on them, and I let them come to it on their own. I think they saw me making art and their father doing carpentry, and said, “Hey! I want to do that too!” As a parent, it can be hard to be present, mindful, and engaged. There are so many distractions. But when I’m drawing with my kids, I’m there with them. They enjoy it. I enjoy it. It’s a win-win.

Des draws these cool creatures. His mark making is so uninhibited and free. I was inspired by his sketches and started adding color to his work. Our collaboration birthed these interesting end results. I hope you enjoy!

If you are a creative with a young artist in your family, try this out! I guarantee it will be a great experience for all!