At the end of every school year, I have my students complete an end-of-the-school-year art class debriefing survey. For me personally, it’s so hugely helpful in my growth as a teacher! I gain valuable insights on what projects were a hit and which were a total flop. Because let’s face it… you can’t win ’em all!
I can see how students felt about the class overall, my ability to provide constructive criticism, what students felt were the most important things they learned in my class, and so much more!

I will admit, you have to be brave. It puts you in a very vulnerable situation as a teacher. You give your heart to this job, and you fear that one bitter student will say awful things about you and your class. It will happen, because students are human! Take it will a grain of salt, and reflect on your interactions with that particular student and MOVE FORWARD NEXT YEAR. In the future, how can you better support a struggling student? Is there a certain project that may have engaged this student better? Was there a missed opportunity for relationship building in your classroom?
You really don’t know how students are going to respond. The students are often extremely honest and forthright. I personally encourage this, and I really appreciate their willingness to provide me with constructive criticism. I share that their input is really important to me and it helps me as a teacher. They respect this!
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This free resource is also available for download on my TpT shop, if you’d prefer to download there.
Good luck and I hope you find this helpful! Enjoy! Do you have your students complete an end of year art survey? Do you find them to be helpful? Have you ever had a “sour grape” response that led to an A-HA moment? Feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading!
-Stephanie Villiotis
Thank you, thank you for this helpful debriefing survey! I appreciate your helpfulness in sharing it! You rock!
You’re very welcome! Glad you find it useful!