Welcome! This blog post features a guided tutorial of how to draw an op art worm tunnel design. This activity helps artists to build skills using the elements of art: SPACE, LINE, FORM & VALUE. Using the principle of design, RHYTHM, the design produces an optical illusion that creates a funky sense of movement through alternating colors. This composition can be done with a range of art materials, and finalized with creative color choices.
Here is a basic materials list that produces a cool black and white design as seen in this tutorial:
- White drawing paper
- Pencil for sketching
- Black sharpie or marker
- White and black colored pencils

*NOTE* In this tutorial, added steps will be drawn in red. It is recommended that you draw these steps light. Draw it light ’til you get it right!
Lightly draw a squiggly line through the middle of the page.

Add at least 6 dots along the line.

Starting from the left to right, lightly draw a curved line that “bunny hops” from dot to dot. As you get to the edges make the line go off the page.
Note the direction of the curve is like a rainbow.

Repeat the process going from left to right, dot to dot…
*TIP* Spacing is important, as you will be filling these in later in the process. You do not want the space to be too big or too small.

Continue the process until you’ve hit the edge of the paper for all the “worm tunnels”

Once the top half is complete, move the to bottom portion. The technique is the same, but the curved line goes in the opposite direction. These curved lines will “bunny hop” like a “smile.”

Continue the process from left to right, dot to dot..

It is common for sections to “merge” as seen here in this photo. If this happens, simply draw the curved lines until you can’t draw them anymore.

Now it is time to fill the worm tunnels with an alternating pattern. This tutorial shows a black and white design, and can be done with a black marker. However, a variety of creative color choices and art mediums can be explored here!

STEP 10:
Finish all worm tunnels with creative alternating patterns.

STEP 11:
To imply three dimensional FORM, add shading to the edges of each worm tunnel. Using a black colored pencil can be very effective. As you shade, go from dark to light gradually and it’s encouraged to keep the direction of your line consistent to make shading look smooth.

STEP 12:
Next, add a highlight using a white tool of your choice. Note the photo which shows how the highlight flows along the middle of the worm tunnel. The center of the highlight should be the lightest and fade out gradually on each side.

STEP 13:
Repeat the process until all worm tunnels have been finalized.
…And voila! You have a completed op art worm tunnel design that is sure to be eye catching!

There are so many possibilities of how this design can be explored. Some ideas include specific color schemes (such as analogous or warm colors), varied surfaces (such as brown or black paper), and different formatting (such as putting the design into a circle instead of a rectangle).
Here is a cool student example depicting the design created using colored pencil in a rainbow pattern. For each “band” the artist faded the colored pencil from dark to light. It turned out great!

Hey teachers!* Click here for my TpT shop if you’re interested in this lesson, which features a full slideshow presentation and a project specific grading rubric.
Thanks for checking out this blog post. I would love to see your creation if you use these steps to create your own op art worm tunnel design. Feel free to tag me on Instagram and possibly get featured in this site! Also, please follow Make a Mark Studios on Facebook to keep up with the latest posts! Thanks in advance!
-Stephanie Villiotis, art teacher and creator of Make a Mark Studios