Welcome! This blog post features a guided perspective drawing to create a 1 point perspective room interior. For this activity, you will need a piece of white paper, pencil, eraser, and ruler. This drawing can be finalized in many ways— such as using sharpie, collage, colored pencils, paint and more! Get creative and think about how you can put your own unique details into your room interior. Have fun!
*Hey educators! scroll below to purchase an instructional presentation of this guided drawing.*

As you create this guided perspective drawing, be sure to keep all pencil lines very light. It is also important to review the 3 need-to-know lines for a one point perspective drawing. The first type of lines are diagonal lines that converge toward the vanishing point. Additionally, perspective drawings will also include straight, vertical lines which meet with the horizon line at a 90 degree angle, and horizontal lines that are parallel to the horizon line.

21 steps to complete a 1 point perspective room interior drawing
Step 1:
Lightly draw an ‘X’ from corner to corner to define the FOUR WALLS.
The vanishing point for this perspective drawing will be in the middle of the ‘X.’

Step 2:
Lightly draw a rectangle to create the BACK WALL. Be sure all corners are straight 90 degree angles.

Step 3:
Draw the DOOR. Start with a lightly drawn diagonal line that converges toward the vanishing point. This will create the top frame of the door.

Step 4:
Draw two vertical lines to render the side frames of the door.

Step 5:
Render a door frame and a ground line.

Step 6:
Next, draw a WINDOW/FRAME on the side wall. Start with two lightly drawn diagonal lines that converge to the vanishing point.

Step 7:
Draw straight, vertical lines to create the sides of the window/frame. Remember, these lines vertical lines will be parallel to each other and meet with the ground line at a 90 degree angle.

Step 8:
Draw a SKYLIGHT. To begin, lightly draw two diagonal lines that converge towards the vanishing point.

Step 9:
Draw a horizontal line to finalize the frame of the skylight. Add more lines to create the inside frame of the skylight.

Step 10:
Next, draw a CARPET or details on the floor, such as wood or tile flooring. For the CARPET, begin by lightly drawing two diagonal lines that converge towards the vanishing point.

Step 11:
Draw a horizontal line to define the edge of the CARPET. To create a tile effect, make evenly spaced marks along this line.

Step 12:
Draw diagonal lines that converge towards the vanishing point along these evenly spaced marks.

Step 13:
To create a tile effect, draw horizontal lines that are parallel to the horizon line. Remember, these lines will get closer together as they move closer to the vanishing point.

Step 14:
Take a moment to erase out any guidelines you no longer need.

Step 15:
Next, add a TABLE. Begin by drawing two diagonal lines that converge towards the vanishing point. Make one line of these lines in the space of the side wall and the other line in the space of the ground.
Then, draw vertical lines for the legs of the table that extend between these diagonal lines.

Step 16:
To create the top of the table, draw horizontal lines. These will meet with the table legs at a 90 degree angle.

Step 17:
To render the last two remaining table legs, lightly draw horizontal lines that extend from bottom of the other two legs. Then finalize with vertical lines to add the last two legs.

Step 18:
Erase out any remaining guidelines you no longer need to finalize the table.

Step 19:
Note: any windows or artworks placed on the BACK WALL will be straight horizontal and vertical lines. These added features will not need to be diagonal or converging towards the vanishing point.

Step 20:
Add color, collage or shading to begin finalizing your interior room! Tip for collaging, use a light table to ensure your collage cuts fit into the perspective areas.

Step 21:
Voila! A finished interior room rendered with 1 point perspective drawing techniques.

Ideas to finalize your room…
An engaging way to finalize your perspective drawing is to create surrealist rooms by either collaging or hand drawing added elements. Some surrealist techniques include:
- Dislocation- placing something where it doesn’t belong
- Symbolism- using symbols to add depth/meaning to artwork
- Metamorphosis- transforming or morphing objects into other objects
- Juxtaposition- placing two opposing things together
- Scale- playing with the proportions, such as making objects too big or too small for their surroundings.

Educators and artists, click below for the option to purchase this instructional presentation of a guided 1 point perspective room interior drawing with these 20 visual steps and directions. Once purchased, the presentation will be emailed to you promptly. This is also available on my Tpt- click here!

Thanks for checking out this blog post. I would love to see your creation if you use these steps to make your 1 point perspective room interior. Feel free to tag me on Instagram and possibly get featured in this site! Also, please follow Make a Mark Studios on Facebook to keep up with the latest posts! Thanks in advance!
-Stephanie Villiotis, creator of Make a Mark Studios
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