I’m always looking for a great art challenge to push artists out of their comfort zone. The random dictionary page drawing does just that! I love this art challenge for a few reasons:
#1- Builds literacy skills and teaches you new words.
#2-Challenges you to put written words into visual imagery
.#3-Provides a funky surface to create on.
How do I begin a random dictionary drawing?
First, you’ll need to grab an old dictionary that you don’t mind ripping pages out of. I recommend checking a local secondhand or consignment shop. Check with the school librarian to see if they have any that are no longer being used. Next, open it up to a RANDOM page and tear it out carefully.

Analyze the words on your dictionary page, front and back. Read through them carefully. Choose a word to bring to imagery on the page.
What are some good materials to use?
I loved to approach this project with a mixed-media-mindset. I encourage students to use any art tool they choose for this project and I continually remind them that the goal is that the images you render contrast with the busy background of the dictionary page. We review different ways to emphasize subjects (such as included a dark outline around focal points).
Below are some of the mixed media art tools I would allow students to work with on this project:

Looking to challenge yourself even more?
Consider how you can illustrate multiple words within one composition. Some of my students really pushed themselves creatively to create an illustration of multiple words from their page into ONE, COHESIVE composition. I loved the results of these!
I hope you enjoy this idea for a creative art challenge! Feel free to comment below!