I still have a vivid memory of first being introduced to perspective drawing in my high school art class. It felt like art magic as I learned how to turn a 2d plane into a 3d space. Perspective drawing is like a cool blend of art and math. There are rigid rules to make an accurate perspective drawing. I’m sure you have heard them…. *in strict teacher voice* …all lines converge to the vanishing point, lines are perpendicular to the horizon line, etc.
However, here is a fun perspective drawing activity that “toys” with the rigidity of perspective drawing. This post explores created an exaggerated “alien’s point of view” of Earth. This blog post includes:
- A step by step video tutorial
- A free download of a worksheet for artists
- Detailed step by step photos with instructions
Interested in full introduction into one point perspective? Check out my blog post here.
Video tutorial:
I’ve also created a FREE worksheet would make a great one to two day sub lesson, which we all need sometimes! If you download this free resource, please follow me on Facebook. Thank you in advance.

Step by step:

Step one: Use pencil and sketch lightly. Draw or trace a circle in the lower half of your paper. Add two vanishing points.

Step two: Use a ruler to draw buildings emerging out of your first vanishing point. For each building, draw two longer lines and one shorter line in the middle. Draw a line from the top of the longer line to the middle shorter line to define the top of the buildings.

Step three: Add two more lines to the tops of your buildings to show the roof.
Draw lines on your buildings that follow the same angle as the top of the building. Make these lines get closer together as they approach the vanishing point.

Step four: Add more buildings emerging from your second vanishing point. Make these lines curved to explore exaggeration. Follow the same method for each building: two longer lines with a shorter line in the middle.

Step five: Add lines to create details on your buildings. Explore adding a second layer to a building.

Step six: Draw the details of the Earth by adding land forms.

Step seven: Add some stylized clouds to your drawing. Explore overlapping the buildings to create a sense of atmosphere. Clouds closer to the Earth will be small and get larger as they move away from the Earth.

Step eight: Add windows and details to your buildings. Explore different windows shapes- rectangle, square, circle. Get creative!

Step nine: Let’s get quirky! Add some details in outer space. Ufo’s, moons, planets, stars…. have fun!

Step ten: Outline pencil lines with a sharpie to define your finalized lines. Be aware of lines that overlap and only outline the lines on top.
Once it’s all outlined, go over your drawing with an eraser to remove any unwanted pencil lines that remain.
Adding color to your alien’s point of view perspective drawing
You can really get creative with how you add color to your drawing. I personally decided to scan mine and then add color digitally. Here is my final product:

Other options include coloring with markers, colored pencil, oil pastels, or more. You can also approach this drawing on black toned paper to create a spacey background and then build your light and color on top with a material of your choice.
Feeling reading to explore two point perspective and foreshortening? <— check out these blog posts!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! I’d love to see your inspired creations. Send me your work or tag me on Instagram. Your work may be selected to as one of Make a Mark Studio’s featured artists 🙂 Feel free to send me any feedback below!
-Stephanie Villiotis
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