After nearly a decade of teaching secondary students, I’ve had a lot of time to test out a variety of 2d art projects. Let’s face it: as teachers, sometimes we plan and plan and plan. We are so excited to deliver the project, and then… it flops. Students are uninterested and the final products aren’t nearly as awesome as you envisioned. It’s a teacher’s worst nightmare.
I’ve been there. So I’m here to share some of my favorite projects that yielded really cool results out of my creative learners, and best of all- engaged them!

#1- Letter Project
Student goal: Create an original composition that depicts at least 5 things from 1 letter of the alphabet (i.e. A- Angry Ants Attacking African Antelopes)

#2- Out of Proportion
Student goal: Create an original composition that makes one subject either too SMALL or too LARGE compared to the rest of its environment

#3- Design a Font
Student goal: Create an original themed font and organize them in a balanced manner on one page showing A-Z.

#4– Limited Color Scheme
Student goal: Create an original digital drawing that utilizes a limited color scheme of only 5 colors. Click here for lesson info!

#5- Diptych/Triptych
Student goal: Create a diptych (2-panel) or triptych (3-panel) artwork that explore an image that flows from panel to panel.

#6- Spirit Animal Self Portrait
Student goal: Create a self portrait that blends your body with your choice of a spirit animal.

#7 Dissected Still Life Object
Student goal: Choose an object, dissect it, and draw it from at least 5 different points of view.

#8 Nature Collage
Student goal: Create a layered tissue paper collage with geometric shapes, then use mixed media to render nature observation drawings on top.

#9 Distorted Portraits
Student goal: Draw a distorted portrait of yourself or someone you know. Distortion techniques include stretch, shrink, swirl, mirror, and more!

#10 Silhouette Narratives
Student goal: Create a narrative illustration using black cut paper on white background to render silhouetted imagery. This project is highly inspired by the awesome, Kara Walker.

#11- Beyond the human eye
Student goal: Create a composition of something that is unseen by the human eye, either something REALLY close up (microscopic) or REALLY far away (think, outer space).

#12- Mixed Media Word Challenge
Student goal: Students are given a random word. Then students have to create a mixed media composition that fulfills the following criteria (1) utilizes at least 5 different art materials, (2) includes the actual word, and (3) renders at least one visual object.

#13- Surrealism Metamorphosis
Student goal: Create an original blend of two things juxtaposed into one subject, and render realistically. Strive for a consistent light source!

#14- Word-inspired Imagery
Student goal: Choose a song lyric and/or quote and create an original composition that brings the words into visual imagery. Creatively consider how to incorporate the words into your work of art.

#15- Dictionary Drawing
Student goal: Given a random page torn from the dictionary, choose 1 (minimum) word to depict on the page.

#16- Crayon fauvist compositions
Student goal: Create an original composition inspired by the Fauvist movement. Check out my lesson here for a Fauvist animal portrait using a mixed media approach!

#17- Symmetrical Inkblots
Student goal: Create a symmetrical ink blot using liquid watercolors. Then, draw on top of the inkblot to render symmetrical imagery inspired by the unique shapes. Click here for entire blog post on how to do this project.

#18- The classic mandala!
Student goal: Create a radially balanced mandala that includes a central focal point in the middle. Click here for a guided step by step tutorial for how to set up an 8 point mandala!

#19- Scratchboard Creatures
Student goal: Create a realistic scratchboard etching of a creature of your choice incorporating line techniques such as stippling, hatching and cross hatching. For helpful tips on how to do this project, check out my blog post here on how to work with scratch art.

#20- Skull Still Life
Student goal: Observing a still life arrangement, render a creative composition of skulls using white and black charcoal on toned paper.
Teachers! Halloween time is the BEST to find very inexpensive skull decorations!

#21- A few of my favorite things still life
Student goal: Create an original still life depicting at least 5 of your favorite things. Choose objects that define who you are!

#22- Shattered Value Drawings
Student goal: Using at least 20 organic or geometric shapes, create a shattered value drawing. Within each shape, create a dark to light gradient. Consider how the gradient direction can change within each shape.

#23 Zentangle Creatures
Student goal: Draw the contours of a creature of your choice, then break up the interior into at least 15 sections. Draw a different, intricate zen pattern in each section.

#24- Circular Op Art
Student goal: Create an op art drawing including at least 8 “shaded worms” within a circle. Click here for a guided tutorial of how to make the type of artwork.

#25- Memory Project
Student goal: Create a portrait of one of the young students from the Memory Project. For more information about the Memory Project, click here. It’s an awesome organization that takes photos of kids around the world for artist to draw. They coordinate everything and deliver the portraits to the kids!

I’m super proud of the work my students have created over the years. They never cease to amaze me with their commitment, talent and skill. Thanks for checking out this blog post! Feel free to comment and share your feedback!
-Stephanie Villiotis, creator of Make a Mark Studios
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